Kvornan did not self-examine very often these days. The panoptic reality of Alexei Garrison left little room for self-examination. But treading backwards across the shag carpet of a donor house with Alexei fast at his toes lead Kvornan as much to an epiphany as to an actual, physical destination. He felt awkward. He felt awkward and try as he might, he could not recall the last time this emotion beat its powdered wings against his ribcage, made his pulse race and his footing precarious. Therein lay the realization: If he was only just this moment rediscovering awkward then how many other simple human emotions had he lost over the years?
As Kvornan's back approached the door to what he suspected would be his room for the night, he imagined the act of taking a donor. The unwritten social contract that must exist for these arrangements was a perfect mystery to him. He imagined fumbling through the act like a teenager reaching third base but upon reflection, that was not what worried him. What worried him was Alexei's babbling, which he had stopped listening to over half a minute ago and worse, the smile that went along with it. When Alexei was teasing, his face lit up like some kind of sugar-coated jack-o-lanturn, spewing gum drops and rainbows from its roughly hewn orifices. Either Alexei was grotesque for all of his sunshine or Kvornan was assigning traits that were not really present. More likely the latter.

"Here we are, nice and cozy!" Alexei reached for the doorknob behind Kvornan's back and leaned his weight forward just close enough to force Kvornan into the room. Kvornan took a few faltering steps backward, oscillating between timidity and indignation.
The room smelled like aerosol spray and cigarettes. A cursory glance over his shoulder revealed furniture that seemed to be outfitted for a teenage girl. For the first time, Kvornan wondered who lived here. Were they human? Vampire? Did their secret smoker daughter hide somewhere in the house while it buzzed with consensual abuse? Out of the corner of his eye, Kvornan saw a figure on the bed that he knew to be female but he refused to look at her properly. It felt indecent to look.

"Now you be gentle with him, Leah. He's as fresh as a newborn lamb," Alexei shouted towards the bed. A dark and somewhat agitated Townie woman tugged on the back of Alexei's shirt in a bid for his attention. He swatted at her without turning and tipped an imaginary hat at Kvornan as he closed the door behind himself. For a moment, Kvornan stared blankly at the peeling paint on the door. As he reached out towards the handle, a voice floated up from the bed.
"You know, you can come over here if you want. I don't bite." Kvornan tried the handle but the knob was loose and the barrel spun, unfastening nothing. "I'm Leah. What's your name?" she pressed. Kvornan let go of the door and turned around, defeated.

The woman on the bed was of indeterminate age, with platinum white hair and fine creases at the edges of her eyes. He used to see this often in his subalterns. Constant feeding prematurely aged the body. Judging by her appearance, he thought that she had three to five more years of life expectancy left at her rate of energy loss.
"Vincent." His murmured name was so feeble that it surprised him. He gestured towards the door. "Glad to meet you but I should get going." Leah tossed her hair over her shoulder in a way that was both subtle and inviting. He could smell her now, masked beneath the more corporeal fragrances of the room. Leah's blood smelled of a temple service to the Ba-- vetiver, balsam, sandalwood, resin. It was a bit disorienting for Kvornan who had not seen the inside of a temple in years.
"Stay." Her voice was soft, almost seductive.

Kvornan stammered for a moment. Meanwhile, Leah looked at him like a child who was expected to recite his lesson. Perhaps she truly believed that he was young. That would be for the best. An older vampire coming out of the woodwork for the first time would arouse suspicion. Who made him? Where did he come from? Where did he feed and from whom? Kvornan could not afford to tell the truth but he was too headstrong to lie. Alexei knew as much.
When they first arrived, Alexei introduced Kvornan as his "first act of biological warfare against the Fae race". No one questioned whether Kvornan was Alexei's spawn or even if Alexei had the right to spawn. Nor did they question the identity of Vincent Randall the 32-year-old halfling from Kent. It was Kvornan's understanding that the Garrisons were in Cade Muenda's confidence. As a result, Alexei's words and actions went unchallenged.
It took a considerable amount of willpower for Kvornan to make it over to the bed beside Leah. Truth be told, he was hungry and he did want her. She began to loosen the laces on her blouse.
"Why do you do this?" He spoke in order to stall the inevitable as much to hear her reponse. She stopped what she was doing.

"Do you mean me specifically or donors in general?" Kvornan ran his thumb along the ridges of his own wrist, hunger needling his veins.
"Both, I guess," he said. Leah leaned back, taking him in.
"Well some donors-- a lot of donors, really-- do it because it makes them feel special. You know?"
"How so?" Leah shrugged at the question, glancing briefly over Kvornan's shoulder.
"We know a side of human nature that all those normals out there with their nine to five jobs and two point three children can scarcely imagine. That makes us better, smarter." Leah paused to pull up a fallen shoulder strap. "Personally, I couldn’t care less about getting to know you or any other vampire. No offense, I just don’t feel like I have to delude myself into thinking that I know what your life is like day to day or even that knowing gives me more insight into the universe. Not that I feel the need to know the universe better. Fuck the universe. What has it ever done for me? I’m a donor because I like to forget. That’s it, pure and simple. Are you going to help me forget, Vincent?"

He locked eyes with her. For a brief and painful moment, he felt like he knew this woman. He studied her face, trying to imagine it before the ravages of her weakened life force but he could not. Her weathered body was as much a part of her as what shattered soul sat enthroned at the heart of it. Leah was ruined. Numb. Just like him. In a more perfect world, he would have the option to forget too. And he would take it.
Kvornan ran his fingers through her heavily starched hair, moving closer to her on the bed. Donation was a filthy, sordid thing but he saw now that it was not so cruel as his initial impression. To walk away, leaving her with her thoughts would have been the cruel thing to do.
Leah grabbed the back of his neck, urging him towards some semblance of life.

QUESTION! Very odd one. Possibly irrelevant, but you now, I get curious about the random. The smell of her blood. Was this Kvornan's own blood lust coming into metaphorical play, or is this purposeful? Some kind of dietary thing? A donor trick to make him/herself more appetizing?
ReplyDeleteALSO. Did you make Leah?
Also, random, who was the irritated townie? An impatient donor? The owner of this brothel-like establishment?!?
And WHAT is the difference between being a donor and being a subaltern?
I just realized that you are live in the flesh only one tab over and I could have just asked you these questions in real time. But that would have been sensical and no one invited the sensicals.
ReplyDeleteAre donors reimbursed in some way? I don't mean like, monetary compensation, but like... I don't know what I mean. But is the act of donating really the only incentive? Granted, bearded Kvornan is incentive for a lot of things, but grand scheme, you know, do they get something back for shortening their life?
ReplyDeleteOkay, seriously, I'm coming to talk to you right now.
Oh! Vampires physically smell things in the blood that are not physically present. This is a quality that helps them to determine whether or not a person is healthy enough to be palatable. Also, if they have magic, they tend to smell extra inviting. Sometimes the scents are confusing and the vampire doesn't know how to feel. Sometimes the scents are just bad. And in certain cases, the scents can be irresistible as Kelly's was to Alec.
ReplyDeleteLeah was a game-generated townie that I threw costuming at.
The irritated townie was just Betunia. She is not important-- She just has a thing for Alexei-poo bites.
For Kvornan, you would think that there should be no difference between a donor and a subaltern. But really, a subaltern is a specific type of donor. General donors like Leah are usually free agents who attend donor parties like the above and will allow any vampire who wants them. Then there are donors who do not do it of their own free will and are usually tied to one vampire. They are still called by the generic "donor" even though it should really be more like "slave" or "victim". Then there are subalterns. "Subaltern" is a position in the palace that was created just for Kvornan. These are donors who have made a sacred vow to give their lives for the Sheut. In exchange, Kvornan is supposed to not drink from anyone else so long as he has a subaltern. The other notable difference is that subalterns are always fae whereas other donors are pretty much never fae.
Nope, donors aren't offered anything as part of the bargain. Some vampires live quite well and might make a favorite donor into an exotic travel/fancy dinner/glamorous lifestyle companion but there are no guarantees. Most just do it for the appeal of being there. And many of them don't die from it. They stop doing it before they get themselves killed. Leah though has no plan to stop.
ReplyDeleteAnd yezz, Alexei only takes donors. Vampires are technically, legally only supposed to take donors. It would be chaos in the streets if everyone did what Kvornan was up to before now. This was why he had to be taken in.
Interesting system they've got going here. So, if there are donors, then vampires are legally acknowledged as existing creatures? Do most of the populace know about their existence, or is it somewhat privileged knowledge?
ReplyDeleteI had a few other questions, but Veron beat me to them :P
Good question! That is a yes and no situation. Most people on the street do not know of the existence of vampires and believe in them only insofar as they are referenced in the holy texts. However there is a set of laws on the books known as the Vali Mandates (Ken-Jaatis Vali) that relate entirely to vampires. Someone like Troy would be well-versed in these laws but would think them superstitious and vestigial of a central government that never fully separated church from state. However, they are concrete laws that concrete vampires have to follow to the letter.
ReplyDeleteFast forward to present day. Alexei is attacking faes. According to the Vali Mandates, for a vampire to even attempt to drink from a fae regardless of consent, is a crime punishable by execution.
So the long and short of it is that Ethelden Palace knows vampires exist. They even have a pet vampire of their own (Kvornan). But for everyone else, vampires are fairly esoteric creatures, confined to the pages of religious doctrine and certainly not walking amongst normal folk.