Macaulay is a very shy and sensitive, shaped mainly by his unusual upbringing. He has a little bit of a sarcastic bite to him that he attempts to repress. He finds that aspect of his personality to be distasteful because it reminds him of his father. He has been treated with kid gloves for the whole of his life and is now coming to terms with the fact that he will ultimately have to face growing-up on his own. Macaulay is at the top of his class in school. He has a number of collections around his bedroom (because he is a hoarder). His favorite food is PBJ. He spends his free time learning to play piano and reading comic books. He wants to be a lawyer like his aunt. He very rarely brushes his hair. He feels that he has been scarred for life by having, on several occasions, heard his dad and Lavinia having sex.
Sabina Angela Pleasant

Sabina thinks about Troy almost exclusively these days. Living with two of his sons, she often looks for his personality and influence in them. She is deeply excited and flattered. She can hardly believe that a man like Troy would take even the slightest interest in her particularly when he has a woman like Siren at home. Sabina does a lot of fantasizing about Troy almost breaking down the front door, tossing away everything he has and pledging his life to her.
Sabina's other chief concerns involve her jealousy of her little sister, the up-keep of her appearance, her slipping grades and her love of parties. Sabina is not the sort of girl who should ever be allowed outside of a ballroom without supervision. Though naturally gifted, she is anti-intellectual. She is a pampered, sheltered, conceited little priss.
Dina Goth-Lothario

Jack is a quiet-natured, street-smart and pensive young man. He has a gentle, rhythmic way of speaking that captivates most everyone he converses with. Jack was placed up for adoption as an infant after his teenaged mother died in childbirth. He spent his life roving from foster home to foster home until he applied to the boarding house at 13. He cares for his friends very much but does not rely on anyone. His main focus is making a normal life for himself in spite of his special abilities and his ties to organized crime.
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