Character Profile: Elmira Johnson

elmira johnson

Full Name: Elmira Victorine Johnson

Age: 25
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lbs
Species: human
Birth Place: Pleasantview
Caste: townsman
Occupation: housekeeper/nanny
Favorite Color: indigo
Favorite Food: chocolate
Favorite Music: Dave Matthews Band, Tori Amos, the Who
Favorite Book(s): anything by Danielle Steel
Hobbies: Hobbies? Do I look like I have time for hobbies?
Most Prized Possession: my lingering sanity


  1. 5'9"? Are you sure? :-D I'm 5'9" and no one has ever thought me tall enough to call me shorty!

    Unless it is just that my direful glare ensures that no one ever dares. >8|

  2. Wow, really? 5'9"? I'm jealous! I'm a puny 5'5". And I feel totally cheated because my younger brother is 6'7"!

    hehehe Yeah Enoch called her shorty because she's taller than he is. He is currently 5'7" and I think he's going to max at 5'10".

    I forgot all about the character profiles! And I had a really awful one lined up for Enoch. I should get on that.
