Banner, Schmanner

    I think I'm going to throw my banner intentions to the wayside. I wanted to have banners that show the characters that appear the most in the next ten chapters BUT I have a habit of switching the order of my chapters, adding and vetoing chapter ideas, etc. So from now on, I'll still change the banner every ten chapters but it will just feature random main characters that may or may not appear at all in the next ten chapters. Jorge, for instance, is only schelduled to make one appearance in chapters 20-29, as is Elise. Daaaaahhhhh!!!


  1. Aha. I'm so glad I don't have a banner for my blog. I'd probably change it either every day or once a month, and never write anything despite what choice I make. :P

  2. lol Making the banners is so much fun. I always look forward to a banner change. How screwy is that? I think I've made about a half dozen banners and only kept the three that have popped up on the site so far.

    Have you shot the pics for your next chapter yet?

  3. I love, love, love playing with photoshop. So I really shouldn't even begin messing around with banners, since I wouldn't be able to contain myself.

    I've taken some of the pictures. I had to mess around with a modeling hack to get some things right, and then my CD-rom got screwy and pretended it couldn't read my disc anymore, and then I started building a house for the chapter that's after the next, and yeah. :[ I'll probably finish it by the time the weekend is over with and hopefully will have a head start on the next one. I've been making the mistake of writing and then shooting, so after this next chapter, I'm going to try things differently.

  4. Ach, taking pictures can be such a process, particularly when you have to get modeling hacks involved. But it's worth it in the end (or, I guess no one would bother to take pictures).

    Is it more difficult to write, then shoot? I've only done that once so far- For Chapter 12. The reason being that I had intended for that blurb to appear in the prologue but I edited it out because it was long and I thought that it made the prologue drag.
