Happy Birthday, Van!

My goal for today is to have Chapter 66 posted in honor of the aforementioned birthday because while 19 may not seem like a milestone compared to the ages that surround it, it should at the very least merit some images of sims accompanied by joined-up letters on a computer screen. 

UPDATE: And now for my customary postponement. D'oh! Sorry Van! When I should have been writing, I was having too much fun in-game. Regardez:


And as Veron is my witness, Alexei is lucky that that's all I did to his hair. 


  1. Thanks Pen :D

    Ooooooh, new chapter! :D

  2. No worries, Pen :)

    That color does suit him :P

  3. Seemed to me like something that he would do (or rather, get his sister to do) in a moment of boredom.
