Chapter 65 ETA

Tonight, December 10, 2009 at 1:00am Eastern Standard Time

Below, you will find what we in the business call "an outtake".



  1. w00t!! :D

    Must... resist... commenting... on... Kvornan's... hair... (or lack of therefore)

  2. *hehehe*

    Kvornan's baldness will be fully up for discussion when I post. It may be up before 1 am. That was a conservative estimate because the boyfriend just whisked me away for a little while. But now I have returned.

  3. See, but I don't mind his alienesque appearance. Kvornan can do no wrong. And also, are pictures these awesome REALLY allowed to be considered outtakes? This should be an update in its own right. Cue to girly giggle nerd fangirl squee.

  4. *hehe* Well if you like, I can post all of the postable outtakes from this chapter here later on tonight.
