Status Report

It's been a while. But I'm about 60% through Chapter 64 and 40% through Chapter 65. My plan is to get 64 done to a point where I can come back to it for some minor edits tomorrow night and post it then. But for some reason, I've just been picking away at this one. 

And now, because I hate to have a post without an image, please enjoy this rare shot of Jorge smiling. (Though I find it a little worrisome. If Jorge is smiling, the cause can't have been good.)



  1. But he's so handsome when he smiles!!!

  2. He's handsome anyway, the bastard.

    *hehe* I don't know why I feel like being harder on Jorge than normal.

    But the current status report is that Chapter 64 is 90% complete, Chapter 65 is still 40% and I will publish tonight.

    Man, you're an early riser Phoenix!

  3. Girl, it's called having to be at work by 0545. Otherwise I would NOT have been awake that earlier! Okay...I would have but that would have been me still being awake from the previous day...if that makes sense!

  4. Tonight, you say? *patiently waits*
