Photoshoot: Jack and Selket

I've wanted to have a giant-columned marble hall in Ethelden Palace for a while now so I finally sat down and built one last night. Here are the results.

Jack is a terrible model, by the way. Just terrible.











  1. So I take it we can expect to see a little something something between these two at some point in the future? :)

    I was kind of thinking he might end up with Elise, since he'd probably be one of the most well-suited mates for her in regards to continuing on the bloodline, but I like the idea of Jack and Selket too.

    Gorgeous room, Pen :) God, I wish I had that kind of talent with set building.

  2. Elise has always seemed like the correct choice to me to. The abilities match up nicely. The ages- er- will match up much better in a few years. But every scenario I've ever imagined for the two of them somehow doesn't feel right. It probably has more to do with the fact that Elise is not at a stage in her life where a romantic relationship is a feasible thing. But also... There's someone who would be better suited for her down the road. :) We haven't met him yet but we will after the kids get to Veronaville.

    The Selket thing is so wrong on a number of levels. But it feels so right. :D

    Thanks, Van! This room was inspired by a famous scene from a very silly little movie.

  3. Heh. When I posted this, I thought that I had eliminated the images where her boobs were falling out of the dress. I didn't.

    And how crazy is it that boobs actually fall out of that dress mesh???
