Pleasantview Extras: Ferris Caliente

A few weeks ago, Siren had an unintentional pregnancy. My first inclination was to terminate it (this would be her 7th child) but then I kept it because I was curious about what it would look like. Today, she gave birth and I grew the kid up. Here he is:

    Note the eyes. I deleted Troy's eyeset so these are the eyes included in HP's Idolatry of the Flesh skin. All of Troy's kids (this one included) have his eyes. So I'm getting the impression that all of the Calientes for generation after generation will be passing down an eyelessness gene. So for anyone who has ever wondered whether a Sim with no eyes will still pass down his eye genes, evidently, he will. This doesn't bother me so much since I still have contacts. 


  1. Wow, seven? And not a bad lookin' guy.

  2. Yeah, the Calientes are one of the more productive families in Pleasantview:
