I am posting this before the next chapter in order to provide a clear rubric for when Orion was where.
December 8, 2028-- Orion is born in LaPlatta, Strangetown to Olive and Ichabod Specter, just a few months after Ichabod's untimely and unexplained death. Olive is deeply disturbed by Orion's weird eyes and lack of physical resemblance to herself or her husband. She becomes convinced that this cannot possibly be her child despite all evidence to the contrary. (NB: Back then, women were drugged senseless during delivery.) Instead of voicing her concerns, Olive finds a loophole in the system and shoves Orion though it, claiming that he was the product of a sexual assault and thereby placing him up for adoption. She then begins a life-long search for her real child, which turns up nothing.
September 28, 2035-- Orion is adopted by Circe and Loki Beaker. They keep him in their basement where they collect biological samples and perform tests, finding him largely unresponsive to stimuli. Test results continually come up inconclusive though it is determined that he has significant magical energy.
February 21, 2050-- A drooling, semi-comatose Orion is seen by Dr. Mortimer Goth.
April 2, 2050-- Bella is kidnapped, used for spare parts and murdered. Orion is kept alive for further testing.
November 15, 2054-- Orion begins speaking for the first time. The things that he says are muttered to himself and spoken in old Ashkay. Loki Beaker manages to piece only one sentence together from Orion's ramblings: The blood is the life and it carries like the flood. Why he began to awaken on this date is unknown at this current point in the story. ;)
November 17, 2054-- Orion goes apeshit. Kills Circe Beaker. Burns the house down.
November 18, 2054-- Gets locked up at Vajra Penitentiary.
November 27, 2054-- Selket springs him from Vajra.
December 1, 2054-- Arrives in Pleasantview. Hides out in Arbormoor woods. Goes into town infrequently. Lives by wits.
March 31, 2056-- Jack Dalton is conceived.
April 19, 2056-- The RDI finds Orion. Manages to incapacitate him and take him to a Strangetown military holding facility. (More on what this facility is typically used for later.) Orion goes comatose again.
March 12-14, 2062-- Orion comes to. He kills six officers in an escape attempt. He is ultimately subdued and placed under higher security.
December 2, 2074-- Orion comes to again. Escapes unseen after killing Sutekh. Takes Sita for a hike.
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